Flowering Plants Visited
by Peponapis pruinosa pruinosa

Peponapis pruinosa pruinosa Say: Anthophoridae (Eucerini), Hymenoptera
(Observations are from Robertson and Wilhelm & Rericha. This bee is an oligolege of Cucurbita pepo and probably other species in the Cucurbitaceae; this is the Squash Bee.)

Asclepiadaceae: Asclepias sullivanti dead (Rb), Asclepias syriaca [plpr sn fq] [plup sn] (Rb, WR); Asteraceae: Cirsium vulgare sn (WR); Convolvulaceae: Calystegia sepium sn (Rb), Ipomoea hederacea sn (Rb), Ipomoea pandurata sn fq (Rb), Ipomoea purpurea sn (Rb); Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbita pepo sn cp fq olg (Rb); Lamiaceae: Blephilia hirsuta sn (Rb), Teucrium canadense sn (WR); Malvaceae: Hibiscus laevis sn fq (WR); Rubiaceae: Cephalanthus occidentalis sn (Rb); Verbenaceae: Verbena stricta sn (Rb)
