Birds Feeding on the Fruit
of Mountain Ash
(Sorbus spp.)


Bird Species
(Scientific & Common Names)

Bombus cedrorum *
(Cedar Waxwing)

Ectopistes migratorius **
(Passenger Pigeon)

Coccothraustes vespertinus *
(Evening Grosbeak)

Pinicola enucleator *
(Pine Grosbeak)

Icterus galbula *
(Baltimore Oriole)

Quiscalus quiscula *
(Common Grackle)

Dumetella carolinensis *
(Gray Catbird)

Toxostoma rufum *
(Brown Thrasher)

Bonasa umbellus *
(Ruffed Grouse)

Melanerpes erythrocephalus *
(Red-headed Woodpecker)

Sitta carolinensis
(White-breasted Nuthatch)

Catharus fuscescens

Catharus ustulatus
(Swainson's Thrush)

Hylocichla mustelina
(Wood Thrush)

Sialia sialis *
(Eastern Bluebird)

Turdus migratorius *
(American Robin)

* fruits are a preferred source of food
** this bird is extinct

Note: These observations are from birds
eating the fruits of American Mountain Ash
(Sorbus americana), but they can be generalized
to other Mountain Ash trees (Sorbus spp.)

Sources: DeGraaf (2002), Beal (1915a),
Beal (1915b), Schorger (1955)
