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AJ1981 = R.H. Arnett, Jr. & R.L. Jacques, Jr. (1981) Lists host plants for a wide variety of insects in North America. AOS1905 = John M. Aldrich & Carl R. Osten-Sacken Describes host plants for the larvae of some flies, especially gall flies (Cecidomyiidae), in North America. Arm2006 = Chad Arment (2006) Describes host plants and habits of walkingsticks in eastern North America. Bar1999 = Thomas Barnes (1999) Lists host plants for butterflies and skippers in Kentucky. BE2013 = Roger Blackman & Victor Eastop (2013) This website describes numerous aphids & their host plants from around the world, including eastern North America. BHW2008 = Mathew Brust, W. Wyatt Hoback, & Robert Wright (2008) Describes grasshoppers (Acrididae, Romaleidae) & their host plants in Nebraska. BJ2014 = Arvid Boe & Paul Johnson Describes seed predators of several native legumes in South Dakota. Blt1916 = W.S. Blatchley & C.W. Leng (1916) Describes some of the host plants of weevils in northeastern USA. Bou2006 = Bouseman et al. (2006) Lists host plants for skippers (Hesperiidae) in Illinois. Br1919 = Annette F. Braun (1919) Lists some of the host plants of case-bearing moths (Coleophoridae) that were found near Cinncinnati, Ohio. Br1921 = Annette F. Braun (1921) Lists some of the host plants for various microlepidoptera that were found near Cinncinnati, Ohio. Br1948 = Annette F. Braun (1948) Lists some of the host plants for grass-mining moths (Elachistidae) in NE & Midwest USA. BS1986 = Richard Baranowksi & James Slater (1986) Lists of the host plants for leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae) in Florida and other areas of the United States. Only those species with more northern ranges are used for the database. BS2001 = John Bouseman & James Sternburg (2001) Lists host plants for several families of butterflies in Illinois. CG2011 = Laurence Charlet & John Gavloski (2011) Describes insects that feed on sunflowers (Helianthus spp.) and a few other species in the northern Great Plains. CK2000 = Cedar Creek (2000) Describes insects and some of their host plants at an ecosystem reserve in Minnesota. Clk2004 = Clark et al. (2004) Lists food plants of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in North America. Cmp1974 = Campbell et al. (1974) Lists host plants of several grasshoppers in Kansas. Col2009 = Dan Collins (2009) Observed a weevil (Stethobaris ovata) feeding on an orchid (Cypripedium arietinum) in Wisconsin. Crw2004 = Whitney Cranshaw (2004) Lists food plants of a wide variety of insects for eastern North America. Cv2005 = Charles Covell, Jr. (1984/2005) Lists food plants of many moths for eastern North America. CWT2004 = M. Costea et al. (2004) Lists insects that feed on various Amaranthus spp. in the USA & Canada. DD2010 = Dmitriev & Dietrich website (2010) Lists host plants for many leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) in Illinois. Den1952 = Clifford J. Dennis (1952) Lists host plants for leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) in Wisconsin. Dlg1948 = D.M. DeLong (1948) Lists host plants for several leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) in Illinois. DYK2006 = J.C. Dunford, D.K. Young, & S.J. Krauth (2006) Observed a weevil (Stethobaris ovata) feeding on a rare orchid (Platanthera leucophaea) in Wisconsin. Eis2014 = Charles S. Eiseman (2014) Describes host records for the leaf-mining larvae of some leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in Massachusetts and other locations. FJ1996 = Everett J. Ford & J.A. Jackman (1996) Describes the host plants of the larvae of several tumbling flower beetles (Mordellidae) in North America. Flt1907 = E. P. Felt (1907) Lists food plants for several gall flies (Cecidomyiidae) in New York. Flt1917 = E. P. Felt (1917) Lists food plants of many gall insects in North America, especially gall flies (Cecidomyiidae) in the northeastern and midwestern areas of the United States. Fr1942 = Richard Froeschner (1942) Lists food plants of some insects in the Coreidae, Rhopalidae, & Berytidae in Missouri. Fnk1917 = W.D. Funkhouser (1917) Lists host plants of several treehoppers (Membracidae) near Cayuga Lake in New York. Gbb1991 = Timothy J. Gibb (1991) Describes insects that feed on the developing seeds of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) and Flower-of-an-Hour (Hibiscus trionum) in the midwestern United States. Ggw1961 = S.K. Gangwere (1961) Both field and laboratory observations of Orthopteran feeding habits occurred in Michigan during the 1950s. Laboratory observations measured preferential feeding ratios of Orthopteran species for different plants. Only plants with preferential feeding ratios greater than 1:1 (more likely to be eaten than not eaten) have been included in the database. Ggw1965 = S. K. Gangwere (1965) Lists some host plants for the Sulfur-winged Grasshopper (Arphia sulfurea). Ggw1967 = S.K. Gangwere (1967) Lists some host plants for the Protean Shieldback (Atlanticus testaceus) in Michigan. Gib1985 = L.P. Gibson (1985) Lists the host trees of nut-feeding Curculio spp. in North America. Hm1982 = K.G.A. Hamilton (1982) Describes spittlebugs (Cercopidae) that are found in Canada. HG1907 = C.A. Hart & H. A. Gleason (1907) Lists some host plants of various insects occurring in sandy areas of Illinois. HG2009 = Nathan Harms & M.J. Grodowitz (2009) Lists host plants of insects in wetland areas for North America. HF1931 = Frederick Hottes & Theodore Frison (1931) Lists host plants for aphids (Aphididae) in Illinois. Hof1996 = Richard Hoffman (1996) Lists host plants for several seed bugs (Lygaeidae) in Virginia. HS2010 = Richard Henderson & Scott Sauer (2010) Describes gall wasps (Cynipidae) and a tumbling flower beetle (Mordellidae) of some Silphium spp. in the Midwest. Hul1993 = C. Hull Sieg & C.W. O'Brien (1993) Observed a weevil (Stethobaris commixta) feeding on a rare orchid (Platanthera praeclara) in North Dakota. Hwd1995 = A.T. Howden (1995) Describes the host plants (various orchids) of a weevil (Stethobaris ovata) in northeastern USA. Jor1985 = Anthony Joern (1985) Describes host plants for grasshoppers at a Nebraska Sand Hills prairie. Kn1941 = Harry H. Knight (1941) Lists host plants for plant bugs (Miridae) in Illinois. Lat1964 = John Lattin (1964) Lists host plants for some stink bugs (Pentatomidae) in North America. Lf1994 = Carol C. Loeffler (1994) Lists host plants of several Dichomeris moths of the Gelechiidae; most observations occurred in central New York. LLM2013 = J.-F. Landry, M. Light, & M. MacConaill (2013) Observed a micromoth (Paralobesia cypripediana) feeding on an orchid (Cypripedium reginae) in Canada. LM2011 = Marilyn Light & Michael MacConaill (2011) Describes insects that feed on orchids in SE Canada & E USA. LR2007 = Jonathan Lundgren & Kurt Rosentrater (2007) Describes insects that feed on the seeds of field weeds in the Midwest. LSH2013 = Jonathan Lundgren, Pavel Saska, & Alois Honěk (2013) Describes insects that feed on the seeds of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) in South Dakota. LY2003 = Anneke Lisberg & Daniel Young (2003) Describes some host plants in Wisconsin of beetle larvae in the Mordellidae. MAM2007 = C.G. Majka, R.S. Anderson, & D.B. McCorquodale (2007) Describes host plants of weevils in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Mar1916 = S. Marcovitch (1916) Describes insects feeding on different weeds and wildflowers in Minnesota. Mch1919 = J.D. Mitchell (1919) Lists host plants of a polyphagous moth, Spilosoma virginica (Virginia Tiger Moth), as was observed in Texas during major outbreaks. Mcr1991 = Ted MacRae (1991) Lists host trees for several Buprestid beetles in Missouri. Mic2010 = Microleps website (2010) Lists host plants for several microlepidoptera (micro-moths) in Illinois. Mid1878 = Middleton (1878) Mlr1987 = W. E. Miller (1987) Lists food plants of many Tortricid moths in midwestern North America. MM1980 = L. Milne & M. Milne (1980) Lists food plants for a wide variety of insects in North America. MMW2006 = Christopher Mulvaney et al. (2006) Describes insects that feed on a rare herbaceous plant, Tomanthera auriculata, in Illinois. Msh2006 = Stephen A. Marshall (2006) Lists host plants for a wide variety of insects in northeastern North America. Ndm1928 = James Needham et al. (1928) Lists host plants for many leaf-mining insects in North America; only insects and host plants occurring in the northeast quadrant of the United States and adjacent areas of southern Canada have been incorporated into the database. NHM2010 = Natural History Museum (2010) A database by Robinson et al. of the Natural History Museum that describes the host plants of Lepidoptera across the world, including North America. Nk1994 = Sueo Nakahara (1994) Describes thrips of the genus Thrips and their host plants in the United States and Canada. OA1996 = C.W. O'Brien & D.M. Anderson Lists the host plants (if known) of weevils (Curculionidae) in the subfamily Erirhininae and the states or provinces in North America where they occur. Obr1997 = C.W. O'Brien (1997) Lists the host plants (if known) of weevils (Curculionidae) in several subfamilies and the states or provinces in North America where they occur. OD1916 = Herbert Osborn & Carl Drake (1916) Lists host plants for several lace bugs (Tingidae) in Ohio. OK1984 = Paul Opler & George Krizek (1984) This books describes the host plants of butterflies and skippers in the eastern United States, although only information from the Northeast and Midwest are incorporated into the database. Ork2006 = Megan O'Rourke et al. (2006) Describes insects that feed on the seeds of field weeds in the Midwest. Plk1994 = John D. Plakidas (1994) Describes two gall flies that feed on Verbesina alternifolia in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Pnz2006 = Panzer et al. (2006) Lists conservative insects and their host plants that are associated with prairie and savanna remnants in the Chicago region of Illinois. Pp1965 = J.O. Pepper (1965) Lists the host plants of aphids (Aphididae) in Pennsylvania. Pw1973 = Jerry A. Powell (1973) Describes ranges and host plants of moths in the genus Ethmia that are found in North and South America; only species found in eastern North America are included in the database. RB1965 = A.G. Robinson & G.A. Bradley (1965) Lists the host plants of aphids (Aphididae) in Manitoba, Canada. Rid2009 = Rider website (2009) Lists host plants of many stinks bugs (Pentatomidae) and other insects in closely related families for midwestern North America. Sau2005 = Scott Sauer (2005) Lists seed-eating weevils of various prairie plants in Wisconsin. Sch1980 = Carl W. Schaefer (1980) Lists host plants for some species in the Alydidae in the Midwest and Northeast regions of the United States. SG1995 = Donald Sudbrink, Jr., & Jerome Grant (1995) Lists weedy host plants for two Noctuid moths, Helicoverpa zea (Corn Earworm) and Heliothis virescens (Tobacco Budworm), in Tennessee. Sm2006 = David R. Smith (2006) Lists host plants for various families of sawflies and horntails in Virginia. SN2014 = ScaleNet (2014) A worldwide database of scale insects that lists their host plants and provides other information. Species that occur in the NE & north-central USA have been selected for inclusion in the Plant-feeding Insect Database. SS1986 = Kenneth Spencer & George Steyskal (1986) Lists of host plants of leaf-mining flies (Agromyzidae) in the United States; species occurring in the NE & Midwest USA have been selected for inclusion in the database. SSS1984 = G.L. Snodgrass, W.P. Scott, & J.W. Smith (1984) Describes host plants of three plant bugs (Miridae) in the lower Mississippi region. St1968 = Lewis Stannard (1968) Lists host plants of several thrips (Thripidae) in Illinois. StH2002 = Lisa St. Hilare (2002) Briefly describes some host plants (mainly orchids) for the weevil Stethobaris ovata in the New England area. Str2010 = John D. Stireman III et al. (2010) Lists host plants of gall flies in the Asteromyia genus (Cecidomyiidae) in the Midwest and Northeast. Th1877 = Cyrus Thomas (1877) Lists host plants for several aphids (Aphididae) in Illinois and other midwestern states. Van1974 = Thomas Vance (1974) Lists host plants of several thrips (primarily Thripidae) in Illinois. Vau1983 = Patricia Vaurie (1983) Lists host plants of several billbugs (Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) in North America. VK1985 = V.R. Vickery & D.K. Kevan Describes host plants of Orthoptera & related orders in Canada & adjacent areas. Only grasshoppers (Acrididae) and walkingsticks (Phasmatodea) have been included in the database that are native to the Midwest or NE United States. Vst1913 = Arthur Vestal (1913) Lists some host plants for various insects occurring in Illinois sand prairies. Wat1928 = S.A. Watson (1928) Lists the host plants of many plant bugs (Miridae) in Ohio. Wg2005 = David L. Wagner (2005) Lists host plants of many moths, skippers, and butterflies for eastern North America. WHM1983 = A.G. Wheeler, Jr., et al. (1983) Lists the host plants of many plant bugs (Miridae) in West Virginia. Wht2007 = Sharon White et al. (2007) Describes some insects that feed on weed seeds in the Midwest. Wlb1954 = Donald A. Wilbur (1954) Lists the host plants of the Painted Leafhopper (Endria inimica) in Kansas. Wm1998 = Andrew H. Williams (1998) Described insects that feed on various parts of Onosmodium molle (Marbleseed) in Wisconsin during the 1990s. Wm2004 = Andrew H. Williams (2004) Lists host plants of various true bugs (Heteroptera) in Wisconsin. WR2017 = Wilhelm & Rericha (2017) Describe floral-faunal relationships of insects in the Chicago region. Wy1994 = Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station (1994) Lists host plants for several grasshoppers in western North America; the range of some species extend into Illinois and other midwestern areas. Ya1996 = Douglas Yanega (1996) Lists host plants (primarily trees) for long-horned beetles (Cerambycidae) in midwestern and northeastern North America. |
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