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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Pinus strobus (White Pine) [Pinaceae] (Observations are from Knight, Hottes & Frison, Wagner, Dmitriev & Dietrich, Dennis, Covell, Smith, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Watson, Hamilton, Miller, Pepper, Robinson & Bradley, Majka et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet, Baranowski & Slater) Coleoptera (Beetles) Curculionidae: Cimberis elongata [adults & larvae feed on the pollen of cones; this insect is found in E USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Hylobius congener (Seedling Debarking Weevil) [this insect is found in Canada, NE USA, Minnesota, & North Carolina] MAM2007, Hylobius pales (Pales Weevil) [adults damage twigs, larvae bore into stumps & recently killed trees] Crw2004, Ips grandicollis (Southern Pine Engraver) [this insect is widely distributed] MAM2007, Magdalis gentilis [this insect is found in NE & north-central USA, & SE Canada] MAM2007, Magdalis perforata [this insect is found in E USA & SE Canada] MAM2007, Pissodes nemorensis (Eastern Pine Weevil) [this insect is found in SE Canada & scattered areas of E USA] MAM2007, Pissodes strobi (White Pine Weevil) [larvae tunnel into young shoots, White Pine is a preferred host; this insect is found in S Canada & scattered areas of the USA] MAM2007 Crw2004; Scolytidae: Hylurgops rugipennis pinifex [this insect is widely distributed in the USA & S Canada] MAM2007, Pityophthorus carinatus [this insect is found in SE Canada & New York] MAM2007, Pityophthorus ramiperda [this insect is found in NE & north-central USA, & SE Canada] MAM2007, Tomicus piniperda (Common Pine Shoot Beetle) [adults tunnel into tips of twigs, larvae feed in tunnels behind bark] Crw2004 Heteroptera (True Bugs) Coreidae: Leptoglossus corculus [feeds on seeds, oligophagous] BS1986; Miridae: Deraeocoris nubilus WHM1983, Deraeocoris pinicola WHM1983, Dichrooscytus elegans Wat1928, Phoenicocoris strobicola Kn1941 Wat1928 WHM1983, Phytocoris diversus Kn1941 WHM1983, Phytocoris fulvus Kn1941, Pilophorus crassipes Wat1928, Pilophorus strobicola WHM1983, Platylygus luridus (Pine Conelet Bug) Kn1941 Homoptera (Sucking Insects) Adelgidae: Pineus floccus [alternates between Pinus strobus & Picea spp.; this adelgid is found on the needles of White Pine, and it forms galls on twigs of spruces; distributed in NE USA, including New York & Virginia] BE2013, Pineus pinifoliae (Pine Leaf Adelgid) [alternates between Pinus strobus & Picea spp.; this adelgid is found on the needles of White Pine, and it forms galls on twigs of spruces; distributed in NE USA, including Maine & New York] BE2013, Pineus strobi [found on trunks, branch undersides, & twigs of trees, forming tufts of white wool; White Pine is a preferred host; distributed in NE & north-central USA, including Minnesota & Ohio] BE2013 Crw2004; Aphididae: Cinara strobi (White Pine Aphid) [sucks sap from twigs, branches, & upper trunk; White Pine is a preferred host] HF1931 BE2013 Pp1965 RB1965 Crw2004, Essigella pini [found mostly on needles of pines in subsection Australes] BE2013, Eulachnus rileyi [found on needles of both Old & New World pines, this aphid was introduced into North America from Eurasia] HF1931, Mindarus abietinus HF1931, Prociphilus crataegistrobi [curls leaves of hawthorns, migrating during the summer to the roots of White Pine; this aphid may migrate back to the trunks of hawthorn during the winter, or it may persist on the roots of White Pine; this aphid has been found in North Carolina] BE2013, Schizolachnus parvus [found among pine needles, causing a bluish bloom; this aphid has been observed in Minnesota & Washington, D.C.] BE2013 Pp1965, Schizolachnus piniradiatae (Woolly Pine Needle Aphid) Pp1965; Cercopidae: Aphrophora cribata (Pine Spittlebug) [syn. Aphrophora cribatus, found from Canada to Georgia; White Pine is a preferred host] Hm1982, Aphrophora saratogensis (Saratoga Spittlebug) [host plant of adults] Hm1982; Cicadellidae: Empoasca coccinea [the preferred host plant] DD2010; Diaspididae: Chionaspis pinifoliae (Pine Needle Scale) [found on needles; this insect is widely distributed throughout the USA] SN2014; Membracidae: Archasia belfragei [polyphagous] Den1952 Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, & Sawflies) Diprionidae: Diprion similis (Introduced Pine Sawfly) [feeds on leaves, introduced into North America from abroad; White Pine is a preferred host] Sm2006 Crw2004, Neodiprion pinetum (White Pine Sawfly) [larvae feed on leaves; White Pine is a preferred host] Sm2006 Crw2004; Siricidae: Sirex edwardsii [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006, Sirex nigricornis [larvae bore into wood] Sm2006 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Geometridae: Eufidonia notataria (Powder Moth) Cv2005, Macaria pinistrobata (White Pine Angle) [syn. Semiothisa pinistrobata, found NE of Illinois] Cv2005 Wg2005, Pero morrisonaria (Morrison's Pero) [found in northern IL] Cv2005; Lycaenidae: Callophrys niphon (Eastern Pine Elfin) Wg2005; Noctuidae: Xestia badicollis (White Pine Cutworm) Wg2005, Zale helata (Brown-Spotted Zale) Cv2005; Sesiidae: Synanthedon pini (Pitch Mass Borer Moth) [larvae bore pitch-filled tunnels into trunks] Crw2004; Tortricidae: Eucosma gloriola (Eastern Pine Shoot Borer Moth) [larvae bore through pith of shoots] Crw2004, Eucosma tocullionana (White Pine Cone Borer Moth) [larvae feed in cones] Mlr1987 |
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