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____________ Insects Feeding on this Plant: ____________ |
Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Scurf Pea) [Fabaceae] (A scientific synonym of this plant is Psoralea tenuiflora. Observations are from Campbell et al., Wyoming Agr. Exp. Sta., Clark et al., Arment, Brust et al., Panzer et al.) Coleoptera (Beetles) Chrysomelidae: Luperosoma parallelum Clk2004 Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths) Noctuidae: Schinia jaguarina (Jaguar Flower Moth) Pnz2006 Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Acrididae: Melanoplus femurrubrum (Red-Legged Grasshopper) Cmp1974, Melanoplus foedus (Striped Sand Grasshopper) Wy1994, Melanoplus packardii (Packard's Grasshopper) [a preferred host plant; this grasshopper is found in open areas with heavier soil, weedy roadsides, & prairie] Wy1994 BHW2008 Phasmatodea (Walkingsticks) Diapheromeridae: Diapheromera velii (Prairie Walkingstick) Arm2006 |
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