Birds Feeding on the Nuts
of Black Walnut
(Juglans nigra)

Bird Names
(Scientific & Common)

Cardinalis cardinalis *
(Northern Cardinal)

Corvus brachyrhynchos *
(American Crow)

Cyanocitta cristata *
(Blue Jay)

Junco hyemalis *
(Dark-eyed Junco)

Melospiza melodia *
(Song Sparrow)

Spizella pusilla
(Field Sparrow)

Zonotrichia leucophrys *
(White-crowned Sparrow)

Icterus galbula **
(Baltimore Oriole)

Dumetella carolinensis *
(Gray Catbird)

Baeolophus bicolor *
(Tufted Titmouse)

Poecile carolinensis *
(Carolina Chickadee)

Setophaga coronata *
(Yellow-rumped Warbler)

Setophaga pinus *
(Pine Warbler)

Dryocopus pileatus *
(Pileated Woodpecker)

Melanerpes carolinus *
(Red-bellied Woodpecker)

Picoides pubescens *
(Downy Woodpecker)

Regulus calendula *
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet)

Thryothorus ludovicianus *
(Carolina Wren)

* the nuts are a preferred source of food
** provides protective cover and nesting sites

NOTE: Most birds eat pieces of nuts
that already have been opened by larger birds,
mammals, or nature.
Sources: DeGraaf (2002)
